Monday, 6 July 2009

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills-Day 4

This day was focused more deeply in the topic of the Conflict Management.The first session was about identity and values.the aim was to make 5 values which are important for one person and then to make small groups and then bigger groups and come with top 5 values for everybody in the group.The second session was communication in conflict and how communication is essential in the process of the conflict,starting and managing the conflict.the participants had to transfer one text from one to another and in the end they got totally different text from the one at the beginning.
The session after the lunch started with the workshop conflict management-what and why where the trainer gave them some case studies and role plays and how can they resolve the conflict in the mentioned case study and had a debriefing at the end of the workshop.
The last workshop was about conflict resolution styles which aim at what kind of resolution types there are of one conflict and what are the outcomes and then they discuss about it.

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