Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Promotion of the short movies "Women in Power"

Finally the production of the three movies "Women in Power" is ready. The short movies are part of the project - Youth Exchange "Women in Power" where 30 young people from all around Europe took part. The movies show what kind of activities have been done during the project and also sends message for active involvement of women.

You can watch two of the movies on the blog (see for posts in April 2009) and the third one will be posted very soon.

You can also order a copy from the movies for free.

And we have to thank European Commission and Youth in Action programme with which financial support this project and movies wouldn't have been made.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills-Day 7

This was the last day of the Training Course where the 1st session started with the presentation of the Youth in Action Programme and her aims and objectives.Participants got to know more about the programme and how to apply for projects and the main and yearly objectives of the programme.
The second session was about future project planning where the participants had ideas about projects for future and they worked in groups and then presented it in front of everybody.
and in the end it was the evaluation of the whole programme.

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills-Day 6

This day started with the presentation of the Macedonia case study where it was presented the situation with macedonia and her conflict in 2001 and how was it before 2001 and after 2001 and what did the Ohrid framework agreement brought for minorities and their representation in the local government.
The second workshop was a workshop about communication and the workshop was about that there were 2 groups divided and they were acting as prisoners.the aim was that they have to choose either to confess or to remain silent.depends of their answer they got their sentences of years in prison.the aim of this workshop was communication between parties and trusting.
In the afternoon session it was presentation of projects examples where the participants and trainers showed some past projects that they have done and realized.
The last workshop was about participants and how they had in mind to make a workshop about the conflict management.they were divided in groups and then they were presenting their ideas in front of everybody.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills-Day 5

On this day participants had a free morning and in the afternoon they went to visit local Ngo from Stip and had a presentation of the projects and what is this organization doing and what kind of activities concerning conflict management

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills-Day 4

This day was focused more deeply in the topic of the Conflict Management.The first session was about identity and values.the aim was to make 5 values which are important for one person and then to make small groups and then bigger groups and come with top 5 values for everybody in the group.The second session was communication in conflict and how communication is essential in the process of the conflict,starting and managing the conflict.the participants had to transfer one text from one to another and in the end they got totally different text from the one at the beginning.
The session after the lunch started with the workshop conflict management-what and why where the trainer gave them some case studies and role plays and how can they resolve the conflict in the mentioned case study and had a debriefing at the end of the workshop.
The last workshop was about conflict resolution styles which aim at what kind of resolution types there are of one conflict and what are the outcomes and then they discuss about it.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills-Day 3

The day started with the NGO fair where the participants got the chance to present their organizations. Each of them presented their organizations aims, projects that have been done in their organizations, their activities, target groups and interests.
The next session was introduction to the topic of conflict. So the participants were exploring: What is conflict? How to map a conflict? What are the stages of a conflict? Participants were also sharing and got to know what kind of conflicts there are.
Concerning the stages of conflict, the participants watched the movie "Neighbors" where they could visually see them and understand them easier. They also had the chance to comment on the movie as well as on the stages and connect it with the reality.
After the dinner the movie "Before the rain" made by Milcho Mancevski was presented where conflict in Macedonia is presented.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills -Day 2

The day started with continuation of get to know each other and then intro of the training course followed where all the aims and the objectives were introduced to the participants as well as the programme and non formal education. The participants also made some ground rules in order that they ensure that all of them are respected and have the chance to feel comfortable on the training course. There was also sharing of fears, expectations and contributions that the participants shared and presented.
The afternoon session was dedicated for group building activities where through City Game the participants got some tasks which they had to fulfill in the city. In the end they presented the results.
After the dinner, there was intercultural evening where all the participants presented different facts and information about their countries as well as food and drinks.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills - Day 1

Today participants arrived and were accommodating in the venue of the Training Course.
After the lunch, the participants had the chance to introduce themselves. So there were many different name games and get to know each other activities. In the night there was a welcome party organized by MLS where the participants could get to know each other better in non formal way.

Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills

From 2nd till 9th of July 2009 in Stip, Macedonia there will be a Training Course for "Youth Workers Developing Conflict Management Skills”,

The objectives of the Training Course are:

- To raise the visibility of the Youth in Action programe in SEE;
- To train youth workers of SEE and Programme countries in conflict management and conflict resolution;
- To build new partnerships between Programme countries and neighbouring countries from SEE region to create new project ideas within the Youth in Action programe;
- To provide knowledge about possibilities of co-operation with SEE within the Cooperation with neighbouring countries of the Youth in Action programme;
- To promote the implementation of youth projects in SEE region;
- To create atmosphere of common understanding between people reresenting different cultures, working styles, etc.

Participating countries are:
-Bosnia & Herzegovina

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Mainstreaming Minorities day 6

This was the last day of the training course.On this day the participants were proposing ideas for future projects and they were divided in groups where afterward they presented the project ideas to the other groups.the last session was the evaluation where the participant spoke about how they liked the Training Course and what they have liked most and learned.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Mainstreaming Minorities day 5

This day was dedicated on several topic.The first morning session started with a workshop and a presentation on working with people with disabilities.The participants had a workshop were they had some tasks to do and while they were doing the tasks either they had to be blind folded or with one arm tied behind their back.
second session was the workshop about LGBT rights where the participants had a theatrical debate on a topic concerning LGBT rights.
the two afternoon session were for youth work methods and as well how the get finance of your youth project.here in this two session the participants got info and also presented what kind of youth methods you can work with and what are the positive and negative sides of this methods.and then in the last session they got info about how they can finance their projects and get money from which institution.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Mainstreming Minorities day 4

This day was dedicated to the involvement of the roma population in the society and then the participants went to visit a local Roma NGO that deals with the roma issue and protecting the roma rights.The participants had the opportunity to know more about the organization and what is the organization doing with roma population

Mainstreaming minorities day 3

during this in the morning session the participants started to present their NGO's in the workshop called NGO fair..here they had couple of min to present their organization and what do they do what kind of project.
In the 2 morning session it started the presentation of each country about the issue of minority and presentation of the minority issues in their country.each national group had a time to present how many minorities they have in their country and how are they dealing with this issue.
the 2 sessions in the afternoon started with the presentation of the Macedonia and the minorities in Macedonia and how are the minorities treated and their rights.Then they had a workshops where they had to presented in theatrical way the case studies that they were given about macedonia and the minorities issues.
The day ended with presentation and workshop about the European Citizenship where they got know more about what is european citizenship and what does it cover

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Mainstreaming minorities day 2

this 2nd day of the training was dedicated to the topic of citizenship.the first session of the day the participants had a team building activity which was called stip challenge.the aim was to start working together as a team.
The next sessions were all about citizenship,what is citizenship how they understand it as well as the history of citizenship.some of the workshops for citizenship were presented in theatrical way.and in the night there was the intercultural evening where all the countries made presentation of there history,food and drinks.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

"Mainstreaming minorities" arrival day

during this day the participants arrived in Stip and in the evening they had introduction of the program and games to get to know each other and learn their names..in the evening after dinner there was also the welcome party where they got to know each and talk

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Training Course "Mainstreaming minorities"

Training Course
Stip, 08 – 14 June 2009

Minority Leaders for Society - MLS will organize the following training course.

Objectives of the activity:

- To develop participants’ competences in developing and running youth non-formal education activities based on citizenship and active participation;
- To develop and consolidate essential skills for trainers in non-formal education with multicultural youth groups and to raise awareness about quality criteria in their activities;
- To share and learn from practices of youth work and training with minority youth for citizenship and social inclusion;
- To develop specific trainer competences related to work with minority youth and citizenship;
- To inform the participants abut various European Youth programmes and more concretly with the possibilities that Youth in Action programme offers in connections with inclusion and minorities;
- Creating new partnerhips and new projects in relation with the topic.

The methodology will include communication based methods (interaction, dialogue, open discussions), activity based methods (sharing experience, practice and experimentation), socially focused methods (partnerships, teamwork, networking) and self directing methods (creativity, discovery, responsibility, action).
The overall character will be participative, pro active and interactive with a learner – centred educational approach, as recommended by Council of Europe for non formal education in youth work.

Partner countries:

- Albania
- Bosnia and Hercegovina
- Finland
- Greece
- Romania
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- UK
- Macedonia

The training course will be organized in Stip, a small town located in the eastern part of Macedonia.

Travel reimbursment:

The organizer will reimburse 70% of your travel costs from home city to Stip, Macedonia.

What you should prepare in advance?

 Please prepare a short description of your organization in English for the NGO fair. Bring photos, brochures, newspapers or anything that can present activities of your organization for the exhibition. You can use computer or other equipment or use the opportunity to make posters or other creative things for your presentation. It’s also good to bring electronic materials.
 An intercultural evening will take place on 9th June. Please bring some typical food, drink, national specialties, songs, instruments, brochures etc. to present your culture for the rest of the group.
 Good mood and enthusiasm.

For this training course we are still missing participants from Finland. If you are interested to participate please contact us till 16th of May 2009 on mls_macedonia@yahoo.com

Impresii na Gorica - ucesnik na razmenata

Kako volonter vo nasata nevladina organizacija Minority Leaders for Society - MLS ucestvuvav na mladinskata razmena Women in Power. Razmenata traese 8 dena. Pristignavme na 8-mi April vo Stip i otkako se smestivme se sobravme da se zapoznaeme site ucesnici. Vkupno bevme 30 mina ucesnici kade sto del zemaa od Albanija, Kosovo, Anglija, Estonija, Makedonija i Litvanija. Po nekolku casa na oficijalno zapoznavanje koe bese napraveno preku najrazlicni igri, imavme zabava za dobredojde kade imavme moznost neformalno da se zapoznaeme podobro. Naredniot den zapocnavme so rabota vo 10 casot i rabotevme do 19 casot na aktivnosti povrzani so cel da naucime kako da rabotime vo grupa no i da ja zapoznaeme lokalnata zaednica i lokalnata realnost vo Stip povrzano so temata Women in Power.
Vo tekot na razmenata imavme mosne interesni zadaci koi moravme da gi izvrsime podeleni vo grupi, interesni prezentacii na drzavite i normalno kulturno-nacionalnite veceri kade sto sekoja drzava imase svoja vecer da ja prezentira drzavata, nivnite tradicionalni jadenja i pijaloci, kulturata, nacinot na ziveenje i slicno.
Razmenata sodrzese i ekskurzija na Kolesevskite vodopadi. Bese preubavo i site bevme vooduseveni od prirodata. Pretposledniot den napravivme lokalna akcija vo centarot na Stip, kade sto bevme podeleni vo 5 grupi i delevme cokolatca i poraki na zenite za da ja kreneme nivnata svest deka se ramnopravni so mazite i da ima poveke zeni lideri. Akcijata zavrsi uspesno. Imase mnogu druzenje megu nas ucesnicite, steknavme novi prijatelstva, naucivme mnogu za aktivnoto ucestvo na zenite vo sekoja od zemjite ucesnicki, za ostanatite kulturi, odnesuvanjata vo drugite drzavi i uspesno go izrabotivme proektot kade sto snimivme 3 filmovi.
Poslednata vecer vo hotelot organiziravme zabava kade sto se isprativme so zelbi za povtorno gledanje i sorabotka.

Impresii na Ana Marija - ucesnik na mladinskata razmena

Na mladinskata razmena se izrabotuvase temata “Zena na vlast” odnosno “Women in power”. Na ovoj proekt ucestvuvaa 6 zemji: Makedonija, Albanija, Kosovo, Litvanija, Estonija i Anglija. Od sekoja zemja imase po pet pretstavnika. Bevme smesteni vo Stip. Prviot den go iskoristivme za zapoznavanje, igravme interesni igri za polesno i pobrzo da gi zapomnime iminjata na site ucesnici. Veke od vtoriot den zapocnavme aktivnosti povrzani so glavnata tema “Women in power”. Vo sekoja aktivnost bevme podeleni vo grupi kade sto imase pretstavnik od sekoja drzava. Bese interesno i zabavno vo edna grupa da se raboti so luge od razlicni drzavi, so razlicni kulturi, a sepak da se najde zaednicko razbiranje i da se izrabotat zadadenite dolznosti. Preku rabotenjeto, osum dena, site trieset ucesnici se zblizivme i funkcioniravme kako edna celina. Menuvavme mislenja, stavovi, iskustva, ucevme edni za drugi i pominavme nezaboravni momenti.
Zapocnavme so edna interesna zadaca vo koja sto trebase jajceto koe visese na vrvka od plafonot da padne vo cinijata na masata na razdalecenost od 1 metar a pritoa da ne se skrsi. Vo ovaa aktivnost veke pocnavme da ucime kako da rabotive vo groupi osobeno so ucesnici od drugi drzali so drugi razbiranja i poinakvi rabotni naviki. Ponatamu imavme zadaci koi trebase da se realiziraat vo gradot vo komunikacija so graganite. Isto taka, edna od zadacite bese sekoja nacionalna grupa da prezentira zena lider od svojata zemja so odgovor na prasanjeto “Zosto tokmu taa zena e odbrana za primer na zena lider?”
Vo programata imavme i organizirana ekskurzija do Strumickite vodopadi, kade sto neocekuvano se sretnavme so grupa zeni koi bea na prosetka i imaa karakteristiki na zeni-lideri, pa se sovpadnaa so proektot sto go izrabotuvavme.
Navecer, posle vecerata, sekoja nacionalna grupa imase za zadaca da ja pretstavi svojata zemja. Prvata prezentacija bese na Estonija i Litvanija, potoa Albanija i Kosovo i na kraj Makedonija i Anglija. Na prezentacijata se kazuvaa nakratko vazni podatoci za zemjata, se prigotvuvaa nacionalni jadenja i pijaloci, a potoa zabavata prodolzuvase vo stipskite kafici i diskoteki. Preku zabavite se zdruzivme i se zapoznavme poveke sto bese vo korist na izrabotkata na proektot.
Od site aktivnosti bea napraveni sliki i snimani videa od koi se napravija 2 filma vo tekot na razmenata a tretiot e vo izrabotka.
Poslednata aktivnost bese lokalnata akcija vo Stip, kade sto delevme poraki za zena-lider napisani na makedonski jazik i bevme mnogu prifateni od graganite, od zenskata populacija vo Stip, a probudivme golem interes i kaj maskata populacija.
So zavrsetokot na mladinskata razmena, bevme zadovolni od postignatiot uspeh i izraboteniot proekt i istovremeno srekni za denovite zaedno pominati.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

video produced by Eni - one of the participants of the YE

Youth Exchange 'Women in Power'. Stip, Macedonia, 8-15.04.2009

In today’s society leadership development is vital for all young people, especially for young women. As we know from experience and extensive research young women who become leaders are self-motivated toward reaching defined goals.

This multilateral Youth Exchange was designed to give young girls from six participating countries an opportunity to participate in planning and organising their own activities, to experience decision making and responsibility and to test new cultures and values, with the inclusion of young men in order to work on the future of gender – balance.

Structured activities such as interactive workshops, teambuilding games, volunteer service, and community field trips, the project offered teen girls the opportunity to speak out from their own lives, learn more about themselves as leaders, learn about other cultures and ultimately change their lives and communities.

The exchange involved young people from six European countries - Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Estonia, Lithuania and United Kingdom


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Let's get started

Dear all,

This will be the official blog of our organisation, Minority Leaders for Society. We will do our best to update all information about our activities, photos, videos, our own reflections of project.

We hope you will visit us!!

MLS Macedonia Team