Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Training Course 'Opportunities for equality, promotion of equality' - Stip, Macedonia 10 – 16 November 2010

Starting today, Minority Leaders for Society will organize a training course where 27 young people will come to work together.

The objectives of the training course are:

- To give concrete tools, methods and skills on work with young people from minorities;

- To share and learn from different practices and experiences in youth work aiming at social inclusion and citizenship of minority youth;

- To develop participants’ competences in developing and running youth non formal education activities based on citizenship and active participation;

- To promote inclusion, empowerment and active participation;

- To develop specific trainer competences related to work with minority youth and citizenship;

- To inform the participants abut different European Youth programmes and more concretly with the possibilities that Youth in Action programme offers in connections with inclusion and minorities;

- Creating new partnerhips and new projects in relation with the topic.

We will host people from: Ireland, Portugal, Romania, Armenia, Russia, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo and Macedonia.

Stay with us each day since we will publish news from the training course on daily basis.